CAL Next Dividend Date Projection
Last known ex-date: 12/27/24
Last known frequency: Quarterly
Last known quarterly dividend: 0.07
Expected annual yield: 1.62%
Typical ex-date schedule:
- March 23rd
- June 8th
- September 8th
- December 21st
Predicted Next Dividend Ex-Date For CAL:
March 24th (the typical date would have fallen on a Sunday)
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This prediction for the CAL next dividend date is extrapolated from past data and therefore may or may not be useful as a future predictor depending on company-specific circumstances. As such, the next dividend date prediction is presented for informational purposes only as a research tool.
CAL Question: Is 1.62% an attractive yield based upon CAL's trading history and dividend history? Answer: view DividendChannel's CAL Chart - 5Yr Dividend Yield